Mosquitoes are without a doubt one of the most annoying
creatures on the earth. They can take a fun summer day and turn it into a
disaster in no time at all. And they don’t just ruin the day, but can continue
annoying you for much longer as their bites can remain itchy and painful for
days or even weeks after. However, it seems that some people have all the luck
when it comes to avoiding these pests and some people seem to attract them. So,
what makes certain individuals more susceptible to mosquito bites than others?
Why they bite?
In order to understand why some people have more problems
with mosquito bites than others, let’s first look at why mosquitoes bite anyone.
According to Dr.
Mercola it is actually only the female mosquitoes that bite humans, males
feed off of flower nectar and leave people alone. The female mosquito needs the
protein in blood in order to produce eggs and will therefore get it from you or
another warm-blooded source. They do have a preference of where their meal
comes from though, which is why some are more susceptible than others to their
annoying pokes.
Why they bite some people and not others?
Mosquitos can smell a person from 50 meters away according
to WebMD
and what they smell on you could signal them to come in for a bite. The
research tells us that they are most attracted to high concentrations of
cholesterol and uric acid on the skin, so those who produce more of these
substances are more likely to get bitten. They are also attracted to carbon
dioxide so those who give off more, namely larger people like adults as opposed
to children and also pregnant women, are more susceptible.
Mercola says they are drawn to lactic acid as well, which is produced when
you sweat, so those who sweat a lot or are moving around excessively, such as
someone playing sports, will have a greater chance of attracting mosquitoes.
However, those who produce 1-methylpiperazine, a naturally occurring chemical compound,
were rendered nearly invisible to the mosquitoes because this compound blocks
their sense of smell. So basically, a great deal of it is a matter of genetics
and which substances you produce and whether these substances are attractive to
the mosquitoes or not.
What you can do about it?
While a large portion of whether you are susceptible to
mosquito bites or not is a genetic lottery, there are some things you can do to
lessen your chance of being bitten. As we have seen, they are especially drawn
to movement and heat as well as carbon dioxide from your breath and lactic acid
from your sweat so one of the best ways to prevent a mosquito attract is to
remain stationary and not exert yourself. While you are lounging around,
however, Dr.
Mercola recommends abstaining from a beer or wine cooler as drinking
alcohol also attracts mosquitoes although researchers are not sure why.

You can also hire a reputable company such as Mosquito One
to spray your outdoor space and get it mosquito-free for summer. We offer our
services for both residential
and commercial properties and have a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
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